Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zombie Cornbread Recipe Using Shelf Stable Foods

Zombie Cornbread Recipe Using Shelf Stable Foods

This recipe uses eggs, which are a shelf stable food. Eggs do not need refrigeration. However, Americans tend to refrigerate everything and may not feel comfortable using eggs that haven't been refrigerated. For that reason, the powdered eggs substitute is included.

Zombie Cornbread Recipe


1/2 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup buttermilk (1 cup water + 2 tbsp. buttermilk powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
2 eggs (4 powdered eggs + 8 tbsp. water)
1/4 to 1/2 cup hot water
2 tbsp. Crisco


Stir soda into buttermilk.
Add eggs and mix.
Blend buttermilk mixture into dry ingredients along with the water.
Set aside cornbread mixture and let stand for 1 hour.
Melt Crisco in iron skillet and coat well.
Pour cornbread batter into skillet.
Bake at 325 degrees F. for 1 hour.

If you liked this recipe, you will love my book, Recipes for the Zombie Apocalypse. This book includes 62 mouth watering recipes made with ONLY shelf stable foods. So if the power goes out and you have to barricade yourself in to avoid the zombie army, you will had delicious recipes to make with your pantry items.