Tuesday, October 24, 2017

This cookbook book is FREE for the next couple of days - Autumn Apple Recipes

This cookbook book is FREE for the next couple of days - Autumn Apple Recipes

Apples are as American as Apple Pie! Everyone loves apples. They are sweet, crunchy and very good for you. They are one of nature’s Super Foods. Apples are low in calories with 0 grams of fat. Plus, eating more apples can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and asthma. Apples are a good source of vitamin C, are rich in antioxidants which fight off the damage caused by free radicals, which has been linked to cancer, hardening of the arteries, inflammation, and neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s . Apples are associated with a reduced risk of stroke. Apples are a great source of fiber which can lessen inflammation associated with weight-related diseases and even boost immunity. So have an apple a day to keep the doctor away. And this cookbook can help. It is full of mouth-watering delicious apple recipes for you to enjoy.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

This ebook is Totally FREE for the next few days - Totally FREE Things That You Can Sell to Make Money on eBay

This ebook is Totally FREE for the next few days - Totally FREE Things That You Can Sell to Make Money on eBay

eBay is a great way to make money quickly and easily. However, most books will tell you to go down to your local thrift store or garage sale and buy a bunch of stuff and then turn around and sell that for a lot more. While that is a great way to make money, it may be a challenge to those of us who are starting out with nothing. What if you are in a real financial pinch and you don’t have any money to spend on things that may or may not sell. What if your credit cards are maxed out and you really just need some quick cash without risking your credit or money. Well, you are in luck! This book is full of ideas of things that you can find or collect for absolutely nothing and then turn around to sell for some quick cash. Most of these things will not bring you in tons of cash all at once but all these things are things that are totally free and that are selling on eBay. And people are buying! When you haven’t spent any money on your listings then everything that you sell is pure profit!

This cookbook is FREE for the next few days - Philadelphia Recipes

This Cookbook is FREE for the next few days - Philadelphia Recipes

Philadelphia cuisine is not limited to cheese steak. In reality, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a mecca for original recipes and food dishes that have become so ingrained in the American culture, many people don’t realize their origins or association with the City of Brotherly Love, as the locals call it. The city was founded by William Penn, who is the namesake for state of Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia or “Philly” is one of the oldest cities in the United States. It is the economic anchor to the area known as the “Delaware Valley” which is a valley through which the Delaware River flows.

If visiting Philadelphia, you must visit Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and which houses one of the original copies of the famous document. It also houses the famous cracked Liberty Bell which was rung during the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Pretzels, especially soft pretzels are a staple to any Philadelphian and yellow mustard is always the condiment of choice. The Amish Mennonites are prevalent and run many businesses in the city. A lot of the food in Philadelphia has roots with the Amish and German cuisine.

Of course, if you really just love the Philly cheesesteak, then a must stop in Philadelphia is 9th Street in South Philly to either Pat’s or Geno’s. These are rival steak shops that operate directly across the street from each other. They even have their own language for ordering. Wit or Wit-Out (onions) and Wiz (with Cheez Wiz). Don’t worry. There are signs that give directions for ordering.

This book is a collection of recipes that I feel best represent the spirit of Philadelphia. I hope that you enjoy!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

This book is FREE until 9/11/2017 - How to Make Beucoup Bucks on eBay

This book is FREE until 9/11/2017 - How to Make Beucoup Bucks on eBay

Have you ever wanted to make big bucks on eBay but just didn’t know where to begin? You can make a lot of money online and eBay is one of the best sources for selling your wares. There are opportunities everywhere. But where should you start? What should you do if you don’t have any seed money to get started?

Well you are in luck! This book is full of great ideas on how to make tons of money with no startup capital. It also discusses the pitfalls to look out for. Anyone can do it. It is quite easy as a matter of fact and the risk is very low to not at all if you follow this plan. I have been doing it for years and making tons of money doing it.

I hope that you enjoy this quick concise book jammed packed with tips and tricks for earning beaucoup bucks on eBay. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

This Kindle ebook is FREE to download for the next couple of days! Great zucchini recipes!

This Kindle ebook is FREE to download for the next couple of days! Great zucchini recipes!

Summertime is here and you’ve worked all Spring on your vegetable garden to get a bountiful harvest of fresh tasty Summer Zucchini. Now all you need are some delicious mouth-watering recipes to impress your friends and family? Look no further. I have created a list of tasty, mouth-watering zucchini recipes. They are simple and easy to prepare. Perfect to take to a party or a pot-luck at work. 

This recipe book includes 50 zucchini recipes for you to make for dinner, barbecues, pool parties or get-togethers. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zombie Cornbread Recipe Using Shelf Stable Foods

Zombie Cornbread Recipe Using Shelf Stable Foods

This recipe uses eggs, which are a shelf stable food. Eggs do not need refrigeration. However, Americans tend to refrigerate everything and may not feel comfortable using eggs that haven't been refrigerated. For that reason, the powdered eggs substitute is included.

Zombie Cornbread Recipe


1/2 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup buttermilk (1 cup water + 2 tbsp. buttermilk powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
2 eggs (4 powdered eggs + 8 tbsp. water)
1/4 to 1/2 cup hot water
2 tbsp. Crisco


Stir soda into buttermilk.
Add eggs and mix.
Blend buttermilk mixture into dry ingredients along with the water.
Set aside cornbread mixture and let stand for 1 hour.
Melt Crisco in iron skillet and coat well.
Pour cornbread batter into skillet.
Bake at 325 degrees F. for 1 hour.

If you liked this recipe, you will love my book, Recipes for the Zombie Apocalypse. This book includes 62 mouth watering recipes made with ONLY shelf stable foods. So if the power goes out and you have to barricade yourself in to avoid the zombie army, you will had delicious recipes to make with your pantry items.